The current system is broken. At cogsflow we remove barriers to growth by matching inventory funds to cash flow. That is why we partner with businesses to share risk. We utilise technology to remove the need for excess collateral and guarantees, in turn allowing SMEs and entrepreneurs to reach their full potential.

We unlock business growth 

We apply a growth mindset to assess opportunities and possibilities. At cogsflow, we take an integrated, growth-led approach to business planning and we partner with our customers to do it. We periodically assess and review your business’ outlook on demand, supply, financial plans and product phase-ins and phase-outs to keep a handle on the macro projections of a business’ growth strategy. 

Then, using the intel we’ve gathered, we fund growth opportunities. Our approach is strategic and it’s based on the true potential of any business. 

We share risk with you

Financing a business feels risky as hell, we get it. At cogsflow, we’re not just willing to share that risk - we’re excited at the prospect. In the early stages of building a business, the individual and the business itself are blended in their risk profile. And that can be pretty terrifying. It’s also different for Every. Single. Business. 

The way we approach risk reflects that difference - we work with SMEs to remove roadblocks to business funding, not to create them. By identifying potential hazards and finding solutions early we get funding in the hands of the ambitious and we see businesses meet their goals way ahead of schedule. 

We’re about positive impact 

Entrepreneurs and SMEs are the lifeblood of any growing economy. We want to back them to make a positive change. So how do we help them disrupt and create new products and industries in ways that are sustainable and positive - both for the economy and the planet? 

One way is to make sure merchants have access to capital at very seedling stages of their company. Without it, they can be prohibited from using and developing sustainable materials and processes. At cogsflow, we’re driven by the knowledge that access to capital can  empower business-builders to combine profit with purpose. 

If your business has ambitions to incorporate fair trade practices, gain B Corp status, pledge 1% or any form of focus on sustainability, we want to know because we see social enterprise as a positive indicator of a successful business

If we’ve piqued your interest, have a chat with the Cogsflow team. We’d love to hear from you.